
Welcome to the Diabetes Control Center

The Diabetes Control Center is located at 1146 Waring St.

Home A1c Testing?  If you don’t want to go to a lab for your A1c . Check out alternative A1c testing. Read more.

TelHealth - how it works?

The Diabetes Control Center now offers telehealth appointments.  This allows patients to remain at home and have a visit just as in the office. Read More

Pharmaceutical companies establish programs for cheaper insulin.

More about cheaper Insulin click here

Updated October 7, 2022. Medicare Program to Limit Insulin Costs to $35/month. Read More

What's going on at the Diabetes Control Center for patients?

Charles Raine, Jr, DiabetologistUncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and kidney disease increase one’s risk of COVID-19 because of reduced immunity. Think of how difficult it is to heal a wound when blood sugars are elevated. Many surgeons will not perform elective surgery if a patient has an A1C above 7%, indicating an increased risk of infection. To help our patients weather this storm and maintain the best possible resistance to infection, we now offer telemedicine appointments. This method utilizes phone calls, video calls, uploaded laboratory data and blood sugar results to Dr. Raine. The patient remains at home.  Established patients can arrange for a telemedicine appointment by contacting the office where instructions are on the answering machine. 

Proper mask use

There was initial skepticism about using masks to protect from viruses.  Certainly, these porous masks will not block a virus.  Nevertheless, the surgical mask will reduce the distance a droplet can travel from the nose or mouth.  It also appears that areas (e.g. New York City) enforcing masks are seeing reduced deaths and hospitalizations.  No one knows what the true rate of infection is.  Many of us are probably infected, never developed symptoms or had mild symptoms then recovered without difficulty.  Wearing a mask will at least keep one from picking the nose or putting hands in mouth and maybe decrease infected droplet spread.
In the few times I have gone out for groceries, etc. I see people with a surgical mask being worn improperly.  If the mask is beneath the nose, nasal secretions can be released into the atmosphere.  If the mask is not snug about the face, air can escape through the side.  A properly worn mask would fit snugly about the face ABOVE the nose.  It is easier to breathe if the mask is beneath the nose but then it becomes pretty much ineffective.  Breathing through a mask is somewhat uncomfortable but like everything else one can get used to it. Think of surgeons and surgical assistants having to wear these things for many hours at a time. An N95 mask eliminates this problem.

Covid 19 mask

Is there increased risk from coronavirus COVID-19 if being treated with biologics like Humira (adalimumab), Remicade (infliximab), and Rituxan (rituximab) or Enbrel (etanercept)? Read More


Drug for weight loss pulled from market! Read More

The coronavirus is coming.  Global health officials have warned the coronavirus outbreak  could get worse before it gets better.  Read More.

Gabapentin for nerve pain - safe or not?

The FDA warns that serious life-threatening and fatal respiratory problems may occur from the drug, especially if used at the same time as opioids or antidepressant/anxiety medications. Read More

Generic insulin is now available!

Pharmacies now have generic insulin in stock, Lispro (Humalog) and aspart (Novolog). You may have to pay CASH to get it, however. Some Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PDMs) e.g. Express Scripts won’t offer it because they won’t get as large a discount (kickback) from the manufacturer. Click here to see how it works. According to https://myglu.org/, “Express Scripts offers Humalog, which has a list price that is more than twice as high ($265.20) as that of insulin lispro ($137.35). Chemically speaking, the two insulins are identical.” If you’re paying cash add distributor, pharmacy and other middleman profits to the final price.

Why is my medicine so expensive? What can I do about it?  Read More

Will your next A1C be higher than before? Read More?

We see an increase in average A1c every December and every July at the Diabetes Control Center. Reasons, festive foods in the fall and those wonderful fruits in summer. Tips to keep it down. Read More.

Can Tylenol or other forms of acetaminophen cause false sensor  readings on your continuous monitor or meter? Read More.

Sensor sugar reading

Do you just HATE shots? With type 2 diabetes there is something new. Read more.

Using fingerstick to test blood sugar? Does it hurt? Many of us diabetics have been doing it for so long , we simply ignore it. I haven’t met anyone who wakes up in the morning with the thought “oh boy another day I get to poke my finger several times, Woo-hoo!!”. Devices to reduce fingerstick pain are getting better. New ones I have tried are MUCH better. Read More

Painless lancet device?  Nobody likes pain, most of us put up with it to check blood sugar.  The Genteel lancet device is said by some to be painless (I have tried it. It works ♥.).  It can be used on the fingertip or on alternate sites. Read More

Interested in an artificial pancreas? Read More.

Pancreas transplants

My pancreas let me down, can I get a new one?  Yes, no, maybe.

One must have surgery to get a new one. Any surgery is major, this is MAJOR SURGERY!  It involves placing a donor pancreas (with a part of donor small intestine) in the abdomen and hooking up blood vessels. The operation takes at least 3 hrs in surgery and the failure rate is nearly 10%.

Given the risk of surgery, the need for a lifetime of anti-rejection medicines and the failure rate, pancreas transplantation is generally done only in those with type 1 diabetes and kidney failure needing a kidney transplant. A kidney/pancreas transplant can then be done in one procedure.

Transplantation of insulin producing cells (islet cells) was all the rage several years ago. It involved injecting healthy islet cells into a vein in the abdomen, so they end up in the liver. There was some early success but there were problems. It is now considered experimental and can only be performed as part of an FDA-approved clinical trial.

A common B vitamin can make thyroid function tests falsely abnormal. Read More

Depression in diabetes and thyroid disease.

Have diabetes and/or thyroid problems and feeling down? Is it the disease or is it depression or both?

Several studies indicate a person with diabetes is more likely to be depressed, as much as 2 -3 times more likely. There is also an increase in risk of diabetes in people who are depressed.

Nearly 70% of people with an overactive thyroid have depression. An underactive thyroid produces symptoms that mimic depression but may simply be a symptom of the disease. Read More


Are you sick and tired of taking multiple shots per day to control your blood sugar?    With today’s technology, there are ways to reduce if not eliminate the number of injections. Read More.Insulin Pens

Zantac found to have a pollutant possibly related to cancer.  

                                                                         Read More

THC and CBD oil in diabetes  There are many points of view on the use of marijuana and or cannabidiol.  The view is often dictated by whetherTHC and CBD the person starts out “fur it or agin it”. Does it help with diabetes management or is it risky? Read More

Use technology to manage diabetes.  Everybody’s diabetes is different. Everybody’s diabetes is different at different times of the day and in different circumstances. With diabetes, everything you do and everything that happens to you touches your blood sugar. Diabetes technology  Information about changes in blood sugar is vital to effectively manage diabetes. That’s why we insist on uploading data from our patient’s meters, continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps. Now it’s easier, more helpful and can contribute to solving this diabetes problem. Read More.

How to live with diabetes and avoid toe-foot ulcer/amputation. Read More

 Is my diabetes medicine making me fat? The short answer is YES, but the biggest issue is hands to mouth syndrome Read more


Dehydration can be treacherous in all types of diabetes. The threat is heightened in Type 2 diabetics taking some meds (see list).  In Type 1, it can lead to higher blood sugars, nausea, vomiting and DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis). Read More

There a new FDA approved capsule for weight loss that is not a drug. It fills your stomach with a special product so there’s less room for food. Reported weight loss of about 13 pounds for a 210 pound person. It is called PLENITY® and has created a lot of buzz. FDA approved but not yet available. Read more

Glucose toxicity.

Are you taking tons of insulin and/or pills but still can’t seem to control your blood sugar?  You may have glucose toxicity.  Read More

I feel your pain, a great metaphor but when it comes to physical suffering, it’s a lie. Everyone is different in the pain experience. Most folks don’t like suffering, therefore there is usually an effort to do something about it.  Sometimes I wish high blood sugar caused pain.  If high blood sugar hurt, there would be a greater effort to make it better.  But that’s another subject. Chronic pain is common and accounts for 20 – 50% of visits to a medical professional. This post is directed to the everyday muscle and joint aches, not cancer pain, post-surgery pain, etc.  We have discovered a few items that seem to help with this level of pain. Read More.

Metformin is now the primary initial medication for type 2 diabetes.  Several studies show it can delay or even prevent full diabetes in prediabetes.  It is stated that metformin targets the primary process of aging.  In several studies, people taking metformin are living longer and appear to have fewer heart attacks and strokes and less likely to have cancer.  One study even shows that people with cancer are living longer if they are taking metformin.

Gossip, lies, fake news and misconceptions about metformin.

If you want to get noticed, find something bad about stuff many folks are using or doing. For instance, if I did a study showing that grits cause sexual dysfunction, I might get a moment of fame. Actually, if one eats too much carbohydrate, it can increase A1c and cause sexual dysfunction 😊. Is metformin bad for me? Read More

Thyroid Nodules

A thyroid nodule is an abnormal growth within the thyroid gland that creates a lump.  They are very common, especially in those over 60 yr. A few thyroid nodules contain cancer. As with all cancers, the earlier the detection, the better the outcome. Click play on right to see 1 minute video or Read more

Am I having side effects from my diabetes medicine?  People are different.  Illnesses are different.  Side effects are different in different people.  Several situations can determine who gets side effects when taking a drug; these include age, gender, allergies how the body absorbs the drug, what other drugs are being taken.  Vitamins and supplements may also cause side effects.  Common side effects from many medicines include upset stomach, dry mouth and drowsiness.  A side effect is considered serious if it can cause death, hospitalization, disability, birth defects or permanent damage.  Click here to see common side effects of oral diabetes medicines.


Why is my blood sugar always high in the morning?  Many people notice this, it even occurs in those without diabetes, of course those lucky ones don’t know it, they have no reason to check blood sugar.  The early morning rise in blood sugar is called the DAWN PHENOMENON.  Read more.

What do nuclear power plants and the Savannah River Site have to do with your thyroid?  Not anything if everything goes well. But...  Read More

Diabetic kidney disease (nephropathy) provides a silent path to a dialysis machine.  Protect your kidneys.  The risk of diabetic kidney disease is increased with high blood pressure, poor blood sugar control, genetic factors and diet.  African-Americans, Native Americans and Hispanics are at higher risk of diabetic kidney disease.  Kidney disease is also rising in India where the estimated total incidence of chronic kidney disease is 800 per million population.  Read more.

Diet soda

An article published in the Journal Stroke (Feb.14, 2019) indicated an increased risk of stroke in serious diet soda users . Read More

Why should I have an eye exam every year?   If you don’t get an exam, you may be getting permanent eye damage and not feel anything or notice a difference in your vision.  A study performed by the CDC indicated people skip eye examinations because they don’t feel it’s needed; their vision seems fine.  Almost 40% said they skipped an eye examination because they didn’t have insurance to cover. Read more.

Over 3 million Americans have GLAUCOMA. Many are not aware they have it. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma you have likely been treated with eye drops. Stuff happens, it’s the weekend and you are out of your drops, your doctor’s office is closed so what to do? Here is a tip to extend life of your eye drop bottle Read more.

If you have diabetes and or thyroid issues plus pain or numbness in the fingers, wrist or arm, there is a good chance you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).   

Read More

Thyroid awareness

Have a diagnosis of thyroid problems?  You’re in good company. More than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. Thyroid medications are in the top 10 most prescribed meds in the US. See hypo and hyper thyroid symptoms. In a room of 8 women, at least one will have some form of a thyroid problem in her lifetime.  Men also have thyroid problems, but women are more likely, 5 to 8 times more likely to develop a thyroid issue.  According to the American thyroid Association, up to 60% of people with thyroid disease are not aware of it.    Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid function) is diagnosed more than any other thyroid problem.  The most common cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Read more

Taking meds for underactive thyroid? Should you take a generic?

Undertreatment or over treatment of a thyroid problem can lead to a myriad of problems, including heart conditions. Are generic drugs equal to “branded” ones? Levothyroxine has a narrow therapeutic window meaning the range between a proper dose and a toxic one is narrow. Am I getting the proper amount of levothyroxine if it’s generic? Read More

Prescription drug prices have you waving money goodbye? Prices are ridiculous!  There are ways to save some money, however working your way through the many drug plans, discounts, formularies etc. can be difficult. We have done research into commercial and Medicare part D plans. Read here for ways to save money.

Is your blood sugar meter accurate?

Listen up!!. Are blood sugar meters accurate? Don’t think think your $25 (or free) home glucose meter is near 100% accurate. A Lab test is the true standard but even that is subject to variation up to 10%. A blood sugar meter can be FDA approved for non-enforceable recommendation  if 99% of blood sugar measurements are within 20% of lab results.Read more

Go to a clinic for your neuropathy pain? Not recommended. The treatment for diabetic polyneuropathy is control of diabetes. According to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, 70% of people with diabetes have pain. Also, it is established about 70% of diabetics in the US do not get to target A1C Levels. The same 70%??? We suspect so.
Read more

Are you testing your blood sugar too much?  There is NO SUCH THING as too much testing, from a health standpoint.  If money is the only point, you are possibly testing too much. The short answer: You are likely NOT over – testing if you have type 1 or type 2 taking insulin or sulfonylurea. You may be testing too much if your diabetes is “controlled” by diet alone and you are testing more than 3 times weekly. Read More

Got brain fog, tired. Can it be your thyroid? How about a thyroid supplement? Read More


Everybody tells me I should control my diabetes.  How the heck can I get control?   Need tips on control? Read more

2018-2019!! The year of blood pressure medicine recalls. Read more

What type diabetes do I have?  Read more

Type 2 Diabetes

Did you ever feel like you’re being treated as a second-class citizen because you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes?

The thinking generally goes along these lines.

You have diabetes because you are fat, lazy and will not comply with directions. Well, it ain’t exactly so. 

Other factors come into play. While most of us with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese, not all people with type 2 diabetes have a weight problem.

Insulin resistance is generally the first event in the formation of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Insulin, whether from the beta cells of the pancreas, injected or inhaled is required to move glucose (sugar) into the cells for life to be sustained.


Inherited genes play a large part. Can’t do anything about that unless you have found a way to choose your parents.


Muscle movement increases sugar uptake and increases insulin sensitivity.  A body at rest tends to remain at rest. The greater the mass, the more energy to move (E = mc2).

Body weight

Being overweight requires the pancreas to increase insulin production (the greater the body mass, the more insulin needed).  This combination results in insulin resistance i.e. cells are not responding well to insulin available.  The pancreas is overworked producing excess insulin to maintain normal blood sugar.  Those overworked cells eventually fail.  This is insulin insufficiency much as in type 1 diabetes.    Blood sugar increases, in time the result is type 2 diabetes.

Now use phone to check your sugar! Read more

Calculate A1c from your meter!! You can get an average blood sugar from most meters. A1c calculated from average sugar has limitations but can be helpful if you check enough. Meters we love that allow blood sugar sharing are Dario, Freestyle, One Touch Verio, Contour Next and Accu-Chek.  In a later post we will detail reasons. Click here to calculate your A1c.

A1c measures sugar in red blood cell hemoglobin (glycosylation) expressed as percent. The only reason to measure A1c is to get an estimate of average blood sugar. Also, minor changes in red blood cell hemoglobin (e.g. anemia, iron therapy, Sickle Cell Trait) can make A1c inaccurate. Why bother with an estimate when you can get the actual average with a continuous glucose monitor? Read more

Wanna go crazy with your diet for a while? Try our crazy diet. Read more

Finally, NO FINGER STICKS,  well not quite.

Get your sugar status with no finger sticks, almost.  Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) measures glucose in tissues under the skin 24/7. You may occasionally need to check with fingerstick for calibration or to insure accuracyMore about CGM

Already using 10-day Freestyle Libre CGM, but have a prescription for the 14-day sensor, here is how to get a free 14-day reader.See how

Taking insulin


On the blood sugar roller coaster?

Read on for ideas on handling low sugar.

Why control diabetes?

  • Prevent long term complications
  • Feel better
  • Get more energy
  • Reduce the risk of other problems getting worse (e.g. infections, glaucoma, cataracts). 

 More on control

The generic name of most biologic drugs end with” mab” or “cept”

In this list the generic name is followed by the branded name


reslizumab (Cinqair)

reteplase (Retavase)

rilonacept (Arcalyst)

rimabotulinumtoxinB (Myobloc)

rituximab (Rituxan)

romiplostim (Nplate)

sargramostim (Leukine)

sebelipase alfa (Kanuma)

secukinumab (Cosentyx)

siltuximab (Sylvant)

tbo-filgrastim (Granix)

tenecteplase (TNKase)

tocilizumab (Actemra)

trastuzumab (Herceptin)

ustekinumab (Stelara)

vedolizumab (Entyvio)

ziv-aflibercept (Zaltrap)

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